Project introduction

KA2 Designers of Inclusive Tolerance – DO IT.

  1. to train teachers to consciously monitor their emotions, needs and behaviour; to look after their emotional well-being
    regularly; to support their pupils’ healthy self-esteem, mental well-being as well as create more connection in the classroom
    by encouraging safe expression of emotions, self-respect & self-compassion, reducing comparison between pupils and
    promoting presence. This objective is directly linked to the school education priority: Supporting teachers and school leaders
    as well as the horizontal priority: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport.
  2. to train teachers to use conscious communication tools, such as active listening, speaking in the first person, sensitive
    use of humour, giving empowering feedback and support. This objective is directly linked to the school education priority:
    Supporting teachers and school leaders.
  3. to increase quality and efficiency of teaching by guiding teachers to bring more focus and presence to pupils, using
    mindfulness techniques. This objective is directly linked to the school education priority: Supporting teachers and school
  4. to reduce bullying and discrimination by creating diversity, bringing awareness and value to the unique qualities of each
    individual in order to create an atmosphere where individual differences are not judged, where everybody is included
    regardless of their looks, talents, cultural differences and background. . The objective is directly linked to the following priorities: prevention of bullying; inclusion promoting equality and non-discrimination; reception and integration of refugees and migrants. This is also linked to the horizontal priority: Common values and participation.

Neli koolitusmoodulit, mis kõik on eksperimentaalsed, mis tähendab et osalevad
kooliõpetajad saavad ise testida läbi kõik harjutused ja hinnata nende efektiivsust.

  1. Praktikate välja töötamine isiksuse arendamiseks ja kehateadlikkuse parandamiseks,
    enda emotsionaalse heaolu eest hoolitsemiseks ja eneseaustuse tugevdamiseks.
    Eesti, Laulasmaa, mai 2023
  2. Kohaloleku ja fookuse parandamiseks erinevate tegevuste välja töötamine ja
    katsetamine. Rumeenia, Bucharest, September 2023
  3. Suhtlemisele ja keelekasutusele pühendatud koolitusmoodul aitab suurendada
    teadlikkust sõnade valikul ja pöörata tähelepanu hinnangutele. Portugal 2024
  4. Viimane koolitusmoodul tegeleb kaasamisega, ehk osalejad püüavad koos leida
    tegevusi ja harjutusi, mis soodustaksid tugevate sidemete loomist erineva
    kultuuritausta, keeleoskuse, akadeemiliste võimete ja isiksuseomadustega õpilaste